It's a frosty winter day in Maryland, and you're enjoying the coziness of your home when suddenly it gets chilly. What's your next move? We recognize the critical need for a functional heating system during these cold winter months, and our commitment is to have you back up and running as quickly as possible. To us, the absence of heat on a winter day is nothing short of an emergency, which is why our team is on standby 24/7 to address such situations. For fast heating repairs, dial 410-302-5499 and trust Quality HVAC Mechanical Service to make your comfort our top priority.

  • Keeping up with Your Furnace or Boiler

    With winter coming up, you need to make sure your furnace or boiler is in good working order. Our technicians will take care of all the hiccups that come with it! We provide furnace repair, service for new or replacement furnaces and boilers as well as any other HVAC needs you may have. Because these are powered by fuels, furnaces and boilers can pose safety issues if components are malfunctioning or deteriorating, allowing the release of carbon monoxide. It’s important as a homeowner or business owner, to have us come out to do a furnace or boiler checkup to make sure things are running safely and efficiently.

  • Heat Pump Repair

    A heat pump is an excellent choice for homeowners, but on the coldest of days, it can’t provide the same warmth that a furnace does. Fortunately, there's an easy solution: combine both technologies with your home’s existing system! This dual fuel package will allow you to use your heat pump on most days, and use the furnace on the coldest days for the most efficient heating throughout the year. As with any other heating system, it comes with required maintenance and repairs and should be handled by a professional. You can rely on our team at Quality HVAC Mechanical Services to get you fixed right up!